If you like to read and you like web design, this page is for you. Reading any of these books can help you understand trends in web design completely. Alongside with the most popular web design blogs, these are the most inspiring and motivating web design books you can find today. We were able to find 15 options that stand out and that are ideal for this purpose. Now you can pick the one you like and have fun learning.
Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited by Steve Krug
This book was published for the first time back in 2000. This version comes back with improved designs, details, and a special accent on mobile-friendly designs. It is one of the books about actual trends in web design that really can make a difference. Basically, you can learn about past trends and current ones. When you know about these two, the sky is the limit.
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The bottom line is simple. Reading is something you can use for your personal growth and education at the same time. There are countless benefits related to education, especially with web design, we discuss here.

Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon
This book will definitely be a hero for some readers. It reveals 10 basic and interesting principles that users can use to develop their developer side. In a nutshell, you can build a more creative life, or you can use these findings to build a much better web page.
Austin Kleon wrote the book, and he will investigate and reveal all the ways that can be used for this purpose. In addition, the book guides us to use all the types of help we can in order to advance and accomplish what we like.

Keep Going by Austin Kleon
This book is based or, better said, related to Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon. Ideally, you will read both in order to get a complete picture. While the first book gives you basics, this one teaches you how to stay productive and inspired. This has to be one of the best web design books for inspiration.
Yes, you can use it while at college or while being a student. The benefits of the book are stunning. Even better is the fact that you are looking at impressive things and details that look ordinary but are effective. The creation is practical and ethical.

Above the Fold by Brian Miller
Once again we have a bit special and different book. First, it is focused on the connections or relationships between the client, user, and the designer. This creates a cycle that lasts. As such, it is one of the best books for web designers, and one that we can even say is mandatory to read.
The book is something that you can use for as long as needed. There are literally countless examples and explanations included. It is interesting as well so it will keep you busy for days.

HTML and CSS by Jon Duckett
This particular option is not completely focused on trends. As a matter of fact, it is very little focus on that. But it has one major advantage. It will teach you HTML and CSS to impressive levels. You will also learn more about the trends users need, which is the reason why it is on our list here today.
The end result is the ability to make any blog or any website look much better and more appealing. In today’s time, when new websites are launched every second (and lots of them with a help of the best free website builders), this is a huge advantage. You can read the book at school and apply these facts to your education.

Design for Hackers by David Kadavy
The book comes with an interesting name. Yes, it is really written for hackers. But you can read it as well. Keep in mind that there are a lot of technical terms and a lot of things you may have to research in order to fully understand. After some time, you are going to understand the topic, and you will learn a lot.
The author here will deconstruct all the popular web designs and explain why they are so amazing. Once you understand the core of the process, you can make these a reality and implement the findings into your own designs.

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People by Susan Weinschenk
It is precisely, as you can see in the title of the book. The creation will reveal 100 things about people or users. Once you know these, you can create a much better and more appealing web page.
The book focuses on understanding people and implementing the facts into a design. You are basically going to learn why trends become popular and what the difference is between them. How they work and how you can change them, affect these, and so much more.

The Web Designer’s Idea Book, Volume 3 by Patrick McNeil
If you want to start with examples and simple explanations but then you want to get more complex, this is the book to read. It can be ideal when you are at university studying web design. The author will reveal and analyze 650+ impressive designs of websites, blogs, and more.
The mission is to present to you all about the latest trends and the things that make a web page special. It is the simplest book here and the one that is obviously ideal for beginners. All the examples are thematically arranged.

Web Design Playground by Paul McFedries
It is another book that will help you learn HTML and CSS. In reality, this book will help you write your first-ever line of code! It does work well, and there are many advantages to this, as you can assume. The book is detailed and spectacular. Not only will you learn code, but you will also learn about the trends and how to make your web design stand out. You can even make a new trend using this book only.

Designing for the Digital Age by Kim Goodwin
We had some simple and easy books on our list. This is not one of them. The book is about using visual, industrial, and other forms of design to your advantage. You will learn how to use these in order to make all the products and services you like. It is more detailed than this, as you can assume.
The book is also focused on ideas and their implementation. It tells you that each product or service needs to have countless small ideas in order to be successful and usable.

Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
This right here can be the best web design books about actual trends and the one you will love. It will show you why people like some trends in web design and how they interact. You can learn how trends actually work and how they are formed. You can learn what makes trends so special and how they work.
As a result, you can create more intuitive and more interactive user interfaces. As a designer, this right here can help you make a new trend that others will follow.

The User Experience Team of One by Leah Buley
It can be one of the best books about web design trends due to just one fact. It will explain all the approaches that have a huge impact on the standard UX. What this means is that a web design can make massive changes that work better than ever and that are stunning in the eyes of users.
The book will not only help you understand trends better. It will give you the needed tools that you can use to make better websites and impress your clients. It is a more professional option here and ideal for people who want the best experience.

Think Like a UX Researcher David Travis and Philip Hodgson
It is definitely an impressive book that we all like, and you will enjoy reading it. It will do a couple of things for you. Of course, all readers get all of these. First of all, it will change the perception you have about UX. Then, it will help you understand trends better. It will give you an important lesson about UX research and how you can analyze the data.
In simple words, this book will help you make better websites. It will help you follow the trends easier and understand which ones have potential and which ones don’t.

Designing Interfaces by Jenifer Tidwell, Charles Brewer, and Aynne Valencia
You can learn all about the patterns that are effective and appealing right now. You can see some of the best mobile designs that are extremely popular. It is suitable for academic readers and also those who want to start from scratch.
The book will teach you a lot about the trends in web design and how you can choose the most suitable one. It is perfect if you want to start a new trend or you want always to use the safer one. The one that will stay a trend for a long time.

The Principles of Beautiful Web Design by Jason Beaird, Alex Walker, and James George
The story here is simple. This book is not something you can find in a library but something you should look for. It is ideal for beginners and for experts. You will learn about the new trends, about the most popular trends and so much more.
At the end of the day, you will learn how to make your web page special, which trend should be used, and why. The coursework here is simple and engaging. You will have a lot of fun reading the book and learning.

These right here were top web design books that all web designers and all of you who like this topic should know more about. Each one is special, and ideally, you will read all of them. But, take your time and have fun. In seconds you can learn more about new trends existing and understand the trends in general.