Company Kid Kustoms aims to make a tricycle, rather a children’s tricycle, a source of pride, both the child and his parents. This tricycle called “Enzo Trike” comes with a huge list of accessories including a deep aluminum tub fixed to a single axle and custom billet disk wheels, or the matching 52 spoke wheels. Crafted from the finest material available and certain to become a family heirloom, the trike features interchangeable fenders with functioning brake lights, custom pedals, headlights, exhaust tips and grips to make sure no two trikes are alike. The special shape of the wings and frames, headlight, and other design decisions, force these tricycle to look very special. You’ll be able to make your child happy for $950. You can buy it here. How about more modern bicycles? Recommend to check other our post: 10 Most Expensive Bicycles In The World.
very nice…
I would hate it if I was a kid…